Sometimes It Snows - Even in Iraq

Iraq snow sunset

As unlikely as it may seem for a place that spends its days at 120F+ for the majority of the year, sometimes it snows. For the first time I will spend an Iraqi winter in central Iraq. I don't think it snows here but it does in the North. Either way, just as it cools down, the weather turns from desert heat to wet, slushy, mud up to your knees. Most places in Iraq don't have sand as you would expect. People generally hear sand and they think of the type you find at the beach, oh how nice that would be. Instead, in Iraq the ground is covered with a powder like dirt & dust that gets everywhere and turns to sticky mud at the first signs of moisture. Once it's wet you can grow an extra foot from just walking 10 ft. as the mud builds up on your boots until you can barely lift your feet.
THANK YOU! to Mrs. Greyhawk of Mudville Gazette -Dawn Patrol for the link!
HI there,
Thank you very much for your comment on my blog. Glad to receive a notion that someone is actually reading my blog.
Wauw, what a powerful statement you got there: Faith, family and friends. I guess these are indeed the most important things to focus on, truly.
I enjoyed reading your blog, I actually read some of your writings which I thought were very interesting. I have been once to Iraq, way back, and truly felt home, as the people were so hospitable and friendly. I hope the situation will improve soon.
Very nice blog, I will be visiting it every now and then.
Take care and keep up the writings coming.
Thanks for the comment BS, I plan to check in on your blog now and then as well. Hope your current move goes well and best of luck to you.
We had that problem too, different war, different location but sticky mud that seemed impossible to walk in.
Yep, you'll find out that if you just take your boots off and carry them around your neck and walk barefoot the mud won't build up so bad.
Or you could try snowshoes.
Continue the Mission
Papa Ray
West Texas
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