What NO Looters Prefer -Part 2

Hurricane Checklist

Hurricane Katrina Survival Kit:
Toilet Paper........................................check
Bud Light...........................................check
Keystone Ice.......................................check
Red Dog.............................................check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol..............check
Piece of plywood or door to float your chick and booze on...check
Next time let's all be a little more prepared.
I received this in email today, and decided it was a good follow up to my post... What NO Looters Prefer I don't mean to rag on people from the south, because I am from the south, but when there are pictures to prove what some folks hold as important for survival, it's just plain funny. Like its so often said, "If you can't laugh at yourself!"
The list is short.
I saw no Cheez-Its or canned cheese.
Well, I guess those are some important items for survival! Just have to have processed cheese in a can if your going to get by...LOL
I'm from the South, too, and got the same funny e-mail today. Although the hurricanes were tragic, I've been awfully embarrassed by a lot of stuff I've seen & heard. Conversely, I've also been proud as I can be over other stuff I've seen & heard!
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