Unexpected Response!
that PureVizhun posted.
This was my comment...
"First of all I cant believe that you post that TOTAL BULL SH*T on you blog!!! Just to let you know, if it were not for men and women like those in Iraq today, that fought and died in the past wars of our nation, people like you and Micheal F*inMoore wouldn't have the freedom to speak the things you do or post the things you do!! Instead, you would be murdered just like all the inocent people of Iraq that tried to speak out against Sadam. So I regret to inform you to just keep it up and one day maybe those like Mr. Moore and those that support him will be lucky enough to meet the same bloody end due to the tyrany brought about by the crap that they shovel!"
Saturday, Sep 3, 2005 - 09:35am (PDT)
To my amazement this was the unexpected repy. Just to note, the circumstances were unknown as there were no personal comments when she posted the letter.
(I am posting it here because users without Yahoo! accounts will not be able to view her blog)
September 03, 2005
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I felt the need to delete my initial post and I will explain my reasons in a moment. First however I want to apologize to Casper who commented. I could'nt agree with you more on a few remarks and the others I will also address shortly. My intention of concerning Michael Moores letter was to address some of the issues brought up in it. At the risk of My intentions towards Michale Moores letter was to address some of the issues brought up. Unfortunately and without consideration of the effects his letter would have without comment I unintentionally fell asleep at my computer. Something I frequently do. I apologize for my y insensitivity to those carelessness. .
I am however thankful for your post Casper. Shocking, you might think that, but then again you don t know me so a little background might be in order first.
PS CASPER in case you ventured back to catch my response and stuck through my rambles of life I will address the michale moore issue and hope you return. Stay Safe, and Thank You,
I think I need to appologize and clarify my post!
First, I was extremely tired as well when I posted my comment.
I had just finished a 14 hr. work day and my words were a reaction to reading the Michael Moore letter! I should have previewed my comment and read it before posting. I didn't mean for it to come off quite like that, I am just fed up with Micheal Moore, his B.S. and people like Mrs. Sheehan that disgrace the sacrifice of those that have died for our freedom and in Mrs. Shehan's case a son that died voluntering to take action above and beyond his duties for what he belived in!
I was not careful with my words, as I should have been! At the time I fully believed that the post was in support of Mr. Moore and promotion of his propoganda. I thank you for your words and understanding and have posted you reply to my public blog, http://casperx.blogspot.com where I will update with my comments as well.
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