Proud to be a Houstonian -Even when Officials Get in the Way!

Reliant Astrodome -X-Home of the Astros now a Shelter

The following is a excerpt from a member of a web group from my home town, basically Houston!
I am still watching the news...What seems to have happened is that the officials who closed the dome, which they did...I heard it with my own ears...They are now saying that they Did NOT close the dome, and only wanted some time to re-evaluate whether they have any more room, enough food, enough clothes, etc..
They have started processing the long line of busses..I have to hand it to Dave Ward and Gena Gaston....They have called it like it is, and probably hacked off some "authorities" for out and out telling it like it is and asking the right questions...
People are showing up at the dome and offering to take people home with them..A local Pastor is there, the residents of Houston are letting it be known that THEY WANT ANSWERS and they want these people taken care of and tended too...It is awesome, incredible and encouraging...
Students from Baylor College of Medicine are out there in their scrubs...One of them just said " It's time to close the rule book and just help these people"... They just counted 108 busses full of people...They are not sure if more are coming... I am really proud of Dave Ward/Anchor...He just said, "even if these people have to sit in the stands/seats, get them in, and take care of them because it is much much better than where they have come from"...
Ok, I just wanted to update for those who are night owls that might not be watching your TV... Keep praying... !!!!!
Frances D.
Does make you proud to be a Texan when you see how many evacuees we're taking in, doesn't it? From what I've read today, Houston, San Antonio & Dalls - and all their surrounding areas - are filled to capacity and Texas is helping the overflow find other places to stay in other states. I've seen first hand in Dallas the enormous generosity of locals as they donate massive amounts of everything from food to clothes to vaccuum cleaners to the newly homeless. I have no doubt Houston is doing the same thing. Out of tragedy can come something good. Let's hope the folks that are getting a new start on life make the most of it!
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