How to Spend Over 3 Grand on Flights for a 15 Day Vacation!

My Air Taxi

Yes, I did say over $3,000.00 on Airfair!!!
I can't believe it, I will be going on my next R&R in a few short months and I will be making a few scheduled & a few unavoidable stops.
I will be going from Dubai to the Ukraine to see Oksana, this will be the first leg of my journey.
After 7 days in the Ukraine I will be flying to Dublin Ireland ,by way of Frankfurt Germany, to party for All Hallows Eve and Halloween! I spend just three days in Dublin and then on home to Houston by way of London. After a short five days I will be headed back through London and back to Dubai.
I had planned for this trip to occur over 22 days, but my hopes were dashed and my plans ripped to sunder due to a new enforcement of "policy" that the company has now decided to enforce just in time for my next vacation! :(
I will still be making the trip, but with reduced stays at each location. That really should make the airfare cheaper! It's just not right that I have to pay the same for the flights for less days... Just sucks! Now that I am done ranting I will begin to pray that nothing happens on my departure day from Iraq! The last thing I wish to do is eat that money and miss the flight!
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