
Today I have spent some time reflecting upon my trip to Kharkov, Ukraine... I must say that I enjoyed it immensly! As I have told many people lately, it was like going back in time to the 1950's of America. Things were very basic. You could tell that the vast majoriy lived a hard but simple life day to day. It was a whole diffent world from any country I have yet been! I rented a flat (apartment) in Kharkov because it is much nicer and less expensive than the 2 or 3 hotels available there. Flats seem to be where most people live, there were so many more Flat Units than I ever saw individual houses. The language barier was a bit difficult due to the fact that I only know a small handful of phrases and words in Russian, but I hope to resolve that over time.
I have had some Russian language softwar for about a year but I just never had the time with the long hours that we work in Iraq. I hope to somehow find a little time at least 2-3 nights a week to do some learnin'. As for Kharkov, my trip would not have been as special without Oksana (Girl I met last year & went to visit on this trip to the Ukraine), I don't know how I would have found a supermarket or anything there! Unfortuately, we were limited with time due to Oksana not being able to take off work for vacation as originally planned. Luckily for us, it doesn't begin to get dark until about 21:30 (9:30PM) so we spent each evening walking to cafe's or to a park, exploring the city etc.
This situation left me quite a bit of time on my own durring the day, so I tried not to get into to much mischief! I went to a little shop and tried to buy some cookies and things for our evening tea. Well, that turned out interesting... I held up 5 fingers to a lady because I wanted 5 of the cookies there at the shop and the next thing I know she was weighing out a freakin' bag... and not a little one! Lets just say I respectively paid for the week and a half supply of shortbread cookies, said Pasiba(thank you) and went on my way! Thank goodness the USD goes about 5 times further in the Ukraine..heh Now that I think back, it was all fun in the end. Unfortunately for me, I found some useful tips after I returned from my trip that I wish I would have known beforehand.
- Never give someone flowers in an even number -- Dope! (I think I bought her A Dozen Roses three different days! Doomed by the American way!)
- Whistling for just about any reason is very rude (Oksana taught me that one in a Cafe'. I was just kidding around about whistling to get a waitress, and was quickly
- Be prepared to remove your shoes upon entering a home, even your own apartment and use the slippers provided.
- Always, offer to share snacks etc. (I lucked out on this one I think... I hade Oksana and her brother and I all order some different dishes at a Cafe' so we could all share.)
- Do not shake hands across the threshold of a door. (I think I envited people in first and then shook hands...)
- When shaking hands, take off your gloves. (lucky for me it is in the mid 70-80's in July and there was no need for gloves.)
- Be prepared to accept all food and drink offered you when visiting! (I tried things at least and they let me slide on this one for the most part because we always ate in casual settings at my place or a cafe')
- Don't put your thumb between your first two fingers - this is a very rude gesture! (Not a habbit I have, thank goodness!)
- If you are invited into a family home, it is traditional to bring a gift. Wine, a cake, flowers is customary. If there is a child in the house, it is appropriate to provide him/her with a small gift as well.
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