Friday, August 12, 2005


If there is one thing that has remained over my past year and a half in Iraq is the inevitability of CHANGE!

Change is good, for the most part, and this time I believe it is good for me!
In the past 24 hours my option for transfer to Taji Iraq has solidified. I have been informed that it is a done deal and I will be returning in a few days to do my packing/shipping etc and begin the migration of my life that was in Baghdad to a somewhat smaller camp and different pace of life.

The good new is that there are some good people here and I am not the only transfer. I am following my manager here along with at least 1 other. Believe me, he is only 1 of 2 managers I have worked for in my life that I would be willing to leave a good thing like my life in Baghdad for.

This will be somewhat of a new start for many of us, but now we have the experiences of the past few years to guide and direct us in helping this base reach its full potential in the least amount of time! There will be challenges, but thanks to the friendships I have made in the past 6 months I think we can handle anything.

It's now well past lunch time in this timezone and I need to go find Dave and grab some grub at the chow hall... happy reading!... for those that drop in.


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