Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Given Another Day

I believe this is the first time I have actually woke up on time in the past 2 weeks or more!

The simple fact is I have been worried to death about someone that is very dear to me and have not been able to rest at all due to the fact that I could not get in touch by emai or phone. I am not sure how many people realize how lucky we are to have the communications so readily available to us in the states. Few people probably realize that there are other countries where things as simple as phone lines can go down and be unavailable for connection from long distance for weeks or more!

Finally, I got through on the phone lines! I can finally rest, as my worries have been erased. It just goes to show that when communication with people is abrubtly severed it can have terrible reprocussions. It's hard to know what to do when you are so far away and and the simplest lines of communication fail! I just don't know what I would do if tomorrow I no longer had contact with the outside world.

I don't know how our society would get by without the voice/data communications that we have become so heavily dependant upon. Have we lost the ability to think or function the way our society did only a few centuries ago? It would be sad if there might come a day that we have to seek out undeveloped peoples to solve a problem, due to the fact that we can no longer think on lower levels...

All that aside, I have found new hope and a weight has been lifted from my shoulders upon resumed communications. I can now rest easy and again look forward to my future and where this life may lead me after Iraq. At this point I am on the wire as to what country I could be working within the next year or so. Who knows my path may lead me home to the Good O'l US of A, but only time will tell.

Edit: This page is kept on US time so my early morning posts show up on the day prior -Baghdad time is 9hrs. ahead of US Central Time Zone.


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