911 Never Forget!

We have come so far and yet have so far to go! I remember that day and I think I always will. My roommate Jerry, who was a dispatcher for Continental at the time, ran into my bedroom and drug me into the living room to confirm what he had just seen when AA flight 11 struck.
It was as if things were in slow motion as we stood and watched AA flight 175 crash into the other tower. I remember questioning, "is this really happening?" as we sat in amazement and Jerry jumped on the computer to see what was going on through the live flight tracking he could do through his work website. Within seconds the streaming data was frozen and the attack became all to real. Following shortly came the reports of the Pentagon attack and the 4th plane that crashed short of its alleged target.
We cannot and should not forget the people that died that day. We carry on with our Freedom and Democracy so that they did not die in vain. No, they were not fighting a war, but we are now and if we run and hide like so many want us to, then we disgrace the memory of the innocent who died, by hiding in fear, instead of living and giving the freedom that they once enjoyed!
Be proud today to be an American! Never let the Spirit of Freedom be quenched! And most of all know that there are people dying even today because they believe in Freedom and the American way! Because they understand that what we have is worth fighting for and dying for and are not willing to let anyone take it away...
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