Taji Bloggers Conference

Meeting of the minds!

24-May-2006 was the gathering of bloggers on Camp Taji -Iraq for a Blogger Luncheon.
Attendees included the Bloggers from Dave's Not Here, Talking Salmons, Those Wacky Iraqis & myself.
This was the first of what I hope will become a monthly gathering of bloggers and a chance to kick back, relax and share stories of our time here in Iraq.
We enjoyed some of the best food in the country, "TACO BELL," which is quite a rarity to find on a base in Iraq. On a side note: It seems everyone else had to comment on my "No Tomatoes" order and make a much bigger deal of Salmon eating my chicken tacos than it was. Heck, I didn't even care, let the man eat! He's the soldier, we work here to support him. Any soldier that wants my Taco Bell is more than welcome to it... LOL
Anyway, it was a great time full of good humor and a chance to break from "the norm."