Over There

I was recently introduced to a new TV show that was on this past season. The series is called OVER*THERE. It's about the life of soldiers in Iraq. The series follows a platoon in 3rd ID short for Third Infantry Division. 3rd ID is currently deployed in Iraq as I speak and have been here since the Stryker Brigade rotated out this past year. -(As far as I know)
I have been in several parts of Iraq in the past 2 years and to my knowledge I have seen the 101st Airborne Division rotate out as they were replaced by Stryker and then they were replaced by 3rd ID who is now rotating out. I'm no expert on what groups/divisions etc are or have been here, but this is what I have seen.
In my honest opinion this show is the most accurate depiction of what soldiers go through day to day while they are deployed to Iraq. I have been here, I have seen some of what they have seen and plenty of pictures and video that the public has never seen. I hear the stories and see some of them unfold before my very eyes. I can honestly say that I don't believe the events depicted in OVER*THERE to be far from the truth!
I haven't seen such a true depiction since Gunner Palace! I was informed just as I learned about the series OVER*THERE that it has been cancelled. I heard that "they" said it was to controversial. Well, I have news for "they"! Since when do we censor or television like China? We can air the beheading of civilian Americans on National TV, but we can't run a show that happens to of hit the nail on the head when it comes to what our men and women are going through over here daily!
I back this series 100%. I don't know what another season could bring, maybe they would stray from the current path, but maybe they wont! Either way I think the show deserves a chance! I have heard of a petition to get the show back on, but I haven't had the time to do any online research yet. If anyone does know about this, please leave comments with links/addresses and I will update the information here for other readers. I will post whatever I may find out as well.
Ha! Too controversial?!? More likely the advertisers freaked out.
As a general rule, all of the milblogs that I have seen that said anything about this show said it sucked and wasn't realistic.
I watched one show and was turned off by the stupid hollywood imatations of Soldiers and stock hollywood lines.
It seemed to me they were trying to remake Vietnam era combat into current.
It didn't work for me.
Papa Ray
West Texas
Wow, I really wasnt expecting to hear that. I do count it interesting though! For the 9 episodes that I have seen I have heard a story from a soldier almost exactly like each one. From cheating spouses to extreme danger beer runs, I have known soldiers here in every situation that I have seen in the show.
Today I spoke to a guy and asked him if he thought it was crap. His comment was that, milbloggers that thought it sucked were probably desk jockeys that never leave base or havent served in the current operation.
I can see both sides of this, but I guess I support the show because so many of the ongoing stories ring true with soldiers I have known here in the past few years and the events that have rocked their lives durring this experience.
Opinions are just that though, and mine is no more important than anyone elses...
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