1st Camel Spider I Saw in Iraq

Camel Spider

One night at about 2 AM I was spending some leisure time with friends after a long hard day. This bugger caught my eye as it scurried back and forth across a sidewalk in the dimly lit area. I grabbed a friends flashlight, zeroed in and popped him on the head with flat of my foot. I was wearing shoes of course! I didn't want to annihilate it and got him just good enough to make him stop moving, for ever! We decided to take the picture like this to show relevant size etc.
*UPDATE* -Another big "THANK YOU!" to Mrs. Greyhawk of Mudville Gazette -Dawn Patrol for linking!
Well, I hate to tell you this but your a baby killer.
Some of the milblogs have shown the adults and they are BIG !
I would say one picture showed one about four times the size of the one you killed.
Stay safe and continue your mission.
Papa Ray
West Texas
Poor little thing! You know, you didn't have to kill it because camel spiders are neither dangerous nor venomous so we have nothing to fear from them. The hoax about how dangerous camel spider bites are is purely an anecdote. Although a bite is probably painful, only the bacteria in its mouthpart will be capable of hurting you. You might want to visit this website to prove it yourself :) camelspider.org
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