Hurricane Rita -Disaster- Round 2!!!

My Home in Jeopardy

See the Pink (Zone C - Category 4-5)!!! Well it's not so pretty... My home is just south of 225 (half way between the dot for 225 and 146) and in the PINK!!! As my family and friends prepare to leave town in the morning I sit here in Iraq where it only rains a few months out of the year and those months are still quite a ways off.
I was reading about the evacuation on Reuters. At this point I am not sure what to expect. Things do look bad though! Mayor Bill White says, "that there will not be enough government vehicles to go and evacuate people in all areas." Well, I hope they crank up all those damn school busses and give it a go anyway! Call for volunteers from the school districts -HISD, GPISD, PISD, DPISD and all the other hundreds of ISD's around Houston and while they are at it get all the Metro & Gray Hound busses out of Houston full of people as well!
What about Trains? Are these people thinking? Don't they know that Texas has more rail than any State in the U.S. I know that its almost impossible to get around in the south without your own vehicle. We don't have the mass transit of the north, but we do have a whole heck of a lot of railways. If I didn't have a way to get out, I would sit in a box car for several hours with no problem, but then again I also travel in Iraq! I'm not to far off on this one though, am I?
My biggest worry would have to be the relief/recovery effort. MTV reported on the NO evacuees and how they were being shipped and flow out to safer states. I can understand the way some of these people feel, but is that not the same attitude that got them displaced in Houston to begin with? Don't get me wrong, some had no means to get out, but many were just plain stubborn in my opinion and didn't want to get to safety. So here we go again and here they are getting upset about being moved to a safer place. What do they want to do?...Stay in Houston and see if anyone rescues them again?
Due to the enormous NO & MISS relief effort that has enthralled our nation, from where will the help come for South Texas? I hope that the rest of the nation realizes that we opened our doors and brought people in without hesitation. Now the tables have turned on those who have shown mercy and we will soon be victim! Who will come to the aid of Houston and the surrounding areas like Galveston, Clear Lake, Deer Park, LaPorte, Lake Jackson & Freeport? I only hope that our kindness in the time of need is not forgotten and that surrounding states will take action to help South Texas as we did NO & MISS. I have no clue about where the help will come from. It seems as though the efforts of FEMA have been depleted, so now where will the resources come from?
I can only hope that yet again the resourcefulness of our states and our nation will help to see us through.
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